Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Old Age

So, one thing I've noticed increasingly in my increasing old age is that joints simply hurt. I've been doing some aerobics for cardio and every time, my lower back suffers. It's feels like a grinding pain that goes away by the end of the day, but it bothers me enough to be worried. Same thing goes for my knees (though not from cardio... just in general).

As a result, I picked up a big thing of "joint juice" from Costco (you know, one of those glucosamine supplements). Not sure if it works, but figured it'd be worth a shot. Anyone have any knowledge/experience with that stuff? I know we gave my dog glucosamine shots for her bad hips and it worked wonders...


Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know what your injury history is, if any, so I'm going to speak from my experience.

I have a long, storied injury history, and my body definitely doesn't heal (short and long term) like it used to. I find that the #1 thing I can do to ensure that my knees will be happy day to day is to exercise every day. It keeps the supporting muscles strong, keeps the healing nourshing blood flowing pumping through the area, prevents fluid buildup, and the stretching done before and after exercise keeps it all more limber.

That said, you have to respect what the joints are telling you can not OVERDO the exercise. Your lungs might want a run, but your knee is demanding a walk, so talk a walk. Low impact exercise is good too, like swimming and the elliptical machine, depending on the nature of your joint pain.

Given that you feel some pain all the time and some pain only after exercise, maybe the intensity or nature of the exercise you are doing could be tweaked? Maybe more or different stretching?

I have no experience with the joint-health supplements and nutrition. :/ I've thought about it, but never made the plunge.

6:24 PM

Blogger eingy said...

Also make sure to get sneakers with really good supports. They can make a big difference on how much work your ankles and knees need to do to make things not go bad.

And for dress shoes, get inserts. My love my inserts.

5:01 PM

Blogger Seppo said...

My dad talks about glucosamine like it's manna from heaven. I can't vouch for that personally, having simply been too lazy to take the stuff consistently, but instead of spending money on Joint Juice, which is incredibly expensive, I'd recommend instead going to the local GNC or something and just picking up a bottle of glucosamine supplements.

5:08 PM

Blogger Joseph said...

Dear Sir-
You feel old because you are old. You should stop wasting air with your wind bag complaining. Oh, and for the lower back, try streching the calves, hamstrings, glutes (ass), and back. I'll show when you are over one sunday AM.

8:39 PM


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