Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I Guess I'm Just Getting to that Age...

So, the first relative I ever lost was my grandfather on my American side, earlier this year. He died of a disease (I forget the name) that causes his body to produce too many white blood cells, thus thinning out his blood. He lived with the disease for a while and survived a good while longer than expected. His eventual death was somewhat expected, though it did little to ease the pain of his passing.

Just minutes ago, I received a phone call from my brother that my grandfather on my Japanese side was just diagnosed with the same disease. I don't know how advanced the disease is at this stage, and am waiting for word on his life expectancy. The man is 87 years old, so I suppose he's already on borrowed time, but I hope that they caught it early.

Due to my father having issues with his parents, I rarely got to see my American grandparents. We wrote letters to each other every so often, but when my grandfather died, I hadn't seen him in 10 years. My Japanese grandparents, on the other hand, I saw every summer of my youth, as my parents would send me to Japan every year for summer vacation. And as an adult, I've had the advantage of having a job that sends me to Japan multiple times a year (7 times this year alone o_O), allowing me to spend as much time with them as possible. But that also means that I'm much closer to my Japanese grandpa, and his eventual passing will likely hit me much harder.

Update: The doctor says he has about a month. Looks like I'm heading out to Japan.

Friday, November 18, 2005

The Big Boss

...and I'm not referring to MGS3.

So, the big boss (the chairman of the entire corporate umbrella) and his son came to visit the office today. I just found out they were coming *yesterday*. I was originally told the son was coming (and that he would be working for me, but that's changed a bit... more on that in a second), but not the dad.

They came by my desk on a tour of the offices, and I was dressed fairly well. Made my introductions and generally didn't make an ass of myself, I don't think. Then they all went into their big corporate meeting and I figured it'd be a good chance for me to take my lunch break and head to the gym.

So, naturally, I go to the bathroom to get changed into my t-shirt and sweats, and who do I run into on the way out? The big wig entourage. Lovely. So, they see me in my sneakers and sweats and t-shirt... but I quickly duck out of the way and hope they didn't recognize me. *sigh*

Only ran into them a few more times throughout the day, so overall, I think everything is fine, but all the middle-aged ladies in the office are abuzz with excitement (the son is a decent-looking young man whose father is worth *millions*). I was originally supposed to be his boss, but due to some changes, he will be doing *some* work for me, but reporting to a VP. Which is strange, because apparently his title is EVP (executive vice president). It must be good to be the king.

Oh, and when I say "work for me," I really meant "sit there and watch what I do." It's unclear as to whether or not he will actually help me out with anything, but I figure it's a good way to get to know him, as he's likely to be the next big boss of the company.

Guess who's getting drunk next? :D

Monday, November 14, 2005

What's in my machines now...

So... Been trying to get caught up on my gaming lately, now that I've tentatively kicked my World of Warcraft habit (still haven't managed to cancel my account, though). I've got a ton of current gen stuff to get through, and the next gen is literally just around the corner. If I'm to stay up to date on my gaming, I've gotta get my ass in gear!

Now then, I've recently made my way through Indigo Prophecy, Dungeons & Dragons Heroes, and Jade Empire. A mixed bag of experiences overall, for sure.

Let's start with Jade Empire. I can see what BioWare was trying to do, but it didn't quite meet my expectations. You could tell that they (likely) modelled the characters after real life Asians, but there was simply something about their design (clothing, weapons, etc) that made it seem like they played a little too much Mortal Kombat at some point. The similarities between, say, Kitana and Silk Fox, or Kung Lao and the shirtless main character model are uncanny.

I enjoyed, though, the sort of "parallel universe China" aspect of the story, though. The Great Wall, the legends told throughout the game, etc all were nice, but given the fact that you only see a very limited part of the world, it never really feels realized. I wanted to see more of the countryside and I wanted to feel like I was actually on some epic journey, rather than jumping from location to location.

The cast of characters also did not feel quite up to their usual quality. Many of the characters seemed like they were added simply to fill up the roster. In the KOTOR games or in the Baldur's Gate series, the NPCs had more interesting and consequential dialog, and you had more reason to interact with them. It may have had to do with the fact that I played as an Open Palm kind of guy, and therefore generally avoided conflict, though. A friend of mine was Closed Fist and encountered, seemingly, a lot more interesting interactions between the characters. A design flaw, really, as the experience should be equally interesting, regardless of what branch you pick.

There was a plethora of kung fu styles, most of which I simply ignored. All I really needed was Spirit Thief... the rest were interchangeable (though I preferred my sword). The combat system was incredible simplistic with a lack of actual wire-fu, surpising for a game that is supposed to emulate a Wu Xia movie. In addition, the battles were either extremely easy, or like the last battle, a complete toss up of whether or not you'd win (my first battle with the last boss resulted in him essentially patterning me while holding me in slow motion... which resulted in me dying in about 4 seconds).

Overall, though, the experience was fun, as the setting was a breath of fresh air from the usual fantasy or Star Wars fare. However, given it was the first real foray into the world of Wu Xia in an RPG, I was hoping for more.

Now, onto Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes. What can you expect from a Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance clone, really? It features an isometric view, a few generic character classes, and a bit of hacking, and a little bit of slashing. The graphics are inferior to its predecessors, which is a bit strange, and the character/monster design is certainly lacking in creativity. In addition, the story is nearly non-existant.

But, action RPGs of this variety are more about the action and loot than anything else, and this game does surprisingly well in that respect (at least as the Warrior class). For me, the area where BG:DA succeeded (to a limited degree) was that it retained some of the reward balancing that Diablo had. BG:DA2 and Champions of Norrath seemed to have lost touch with that aspect and the designers appeared to think that the fun of the game was in the mind-numbing button pressing itself, which I don't believe is the case. While certainly not a great game by any means, it has a proper ramping up of loot and skills that creates a desire to push forward, though I wish there was a little more thought put into the skills. The advantage that Diablo 2 has in this area is the skill tree itself. It causes the player to make strategic decisions when building characters, and forces players to examine their loot to see if their loot compliments their character builds appropriately. Most console action RPGs lack those aspects. Overall, though, a decent, albeit mindless, game.

Now, the most interesting of the group: Indigo Prophecy. A bit over-hyped, if anything, but an excellent "experience," nonetheless. The opening scene is fantastic... it's a revival of the adventure game in a way that I could never have imagined. It's so immediate and visceral... It's a shame that the second half of the game devolves into a series of Simon Says games overlayed on top of Matrix Revolutions. What starts off as a great sort of CSI/Law & Order-esque set up quickly becomes a mixed up story about magic and technology and fate and squirrels (okay, maybe not). There's a lot of stuff that's introduced that feels unnecessary or simply has no meaning (the ravens???). A lot of the mechanics are interesting at times, but end up being either too long or force the player to watch the button sequences rather than the actual action that's happening on the screen.

It's a glorious attempt at bringing more cinematic storytelling to games, but in the end, I think it ran out of inspiration and steam and limped over the finish line. A pity, really.

Next up: Dark Cloud 2 and Disgaea (yes, I'm digging way back into my collection before moving onto bigger and better things). So far, Dark Cloud 2 has been fairly infuriating (is there any way to save the invention ideas you find on various notes?), plus the fact that I died after about an hour of playing and forgot to save my game. I decided to take a little break and played Disgaea. Interesting set up, and fairly solid gameplay... but with all these turn-based strategy games, I'm starting to wonder how many more I can play. The mechanics are all derivatives of other turn-based strategy games, and it tends to get a little tired. But, it's been a while since I've played one, so it's not bothering me as much as I thought, so I'll likely make it through.

After this, will probably throw in Shadow of the Colossus and maybe Paper Mario.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Busy as Hell

London two weeks ago, South Carolina last week, then Tokyo this week. Almost had to go back to Tokyo next week, but that's been delayed until December. May have to go to London between now and then, though. I'm not sure how much more sitting in airplanes my ass can take.

London was great: had my fish and chips, spent an evening on a dinner boat cruising down the Thames River (complete with a few rounds of drunken karaoke), a drive through the countryside, etc. Highlight of the trip, though, was definitely having roast beef with Yorkshire pudding in a private room in a nice restaurant, with a plasma TV wheeled in so we could see the England vs Poland soccer match. Not too big of a soccer fan, but when you're surrounded by Brits and it's the last match before the World Cup starts, you tend to get sucked in.

South Carolina was surprisingly pleasant. My brother and I went to see my grandma for the first time since my grandfather passed away. Out of sheer coincidence, my aunt was visiting as well... who I hadn't seen in about 15 years (she doesn't get along with my father, so they're essentially estranged). But, it was extremely pleasant out there and we did a considerable amount of sightseeing. Lots of history out that way. Despite the horrible plane trip to and from, the stay was one of the most relaxing experiences I've had in a long while. Grandma and aunt were doing quite well, thankfully.

Tokyo was short. Only there for a couple of days. And despite my efforts to try and spend some time with friends and/or family, my night plans were all thwarted by my boss, and I quickly found myself nearly having to spend all night with Mr. Childhood Hero again. Luckily, my boss crapped out halfway through the night and we were able to head back home without further incident.

All this travel, though, is putting a bit of wear and tear on my iPod. Particularly the headphones. I got a set of Apple earbuds for Christmas last year, but they're already falling apart. I had similar problems with the stock headphones, but the rubber insulation around the wires is separating from the base, and one of the actual speakers of one of the earpieces has fallen off. I don't know if I abuse my iPod, or if the quality is just shoddy. If it's the former, I need to find a better way of carrying around my iPod, then. I always wrap the headphones around the iPod and shove it into my pocket. I don't really know what else to do with it...

Oh, and I haven't written a single word this month yet :( I'm only 4 days into NaNoWriMo, and I'm already behind...
