Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cheese - The World Tour

Just laid down the final bits of our plans for our European Vacation! It's coming with a very, very hefty price tag (in fact, biggest chunk of cash I've ever spent in my life at once), but I'm hoping it will be very worth it. Here's the plan in a nutshell (starting in late, late June):

Arrive in Paris, spend 2.5 days (2 nights).
Leave via train to Geneva to visit and stay with friend in Geneva for 2 nights.
Again on the train, this time down to Venice for 2 nights.
Then hop over to Rome, where we stay for (gasp!) 3 whole nights.
Hop on a plane over to Athens for (again) 2 nights. Meeting a friend there who has graciously volunteered to be our full time guide :)
And then back to Rome for a night (didn't realize we'd be going to Greece when we got the tickets, otherwise would have returned home from Athens).

It's a crazy hectic schedule, but we wanted to get a taste of little bit of everything, and maybe find a place we'd like to spend more time at next time we go (whenever that will be).

There will be plenty of pictures of me making mockeries of some of the world's most famous locations and treasures, to be certain. And I plan to come home fat, tired, and happy!


Blogger eingy said...

Can you do a parody of Seppo-with-his-pants-pulled-way-up-at-the-Eiffel-Tower?

'Cause that would rock.

Reminder: Eiffel tower on the hour in the evening == light show (they sparkle the lights all pretty-like).

3:54 PM

Blogger hapacheese said...

Haha, sure. You'll have to send me a link to the pic again so I can get it just right :D

10:07 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

"biggest chunk of cash I've ever spent in my life at once"

Just wait until you actually get married.

Sounds like a great (hectic) trip.

2:41 PM

Blogger hapacheese said...

We're actually not planning to spend much more money on the wedding than we are on this trip, if at all. We hope to have a very small ceremony...

The reception is a completely different issue :P

9:50 AM

Blogger Rebecca said...

Where Go The Boats?


Dark brown is the river,
Golden is the sand.

It floats along forever,

With trees on either hand.

Green leaves a-floating,

Castles of the foam,

Boats of mine a-floating

Where will all come home?

On goes the river

And out past the mill,

Away down the valley,

Away down the hill.

Away down the river,

A hundred miles or more,

Other little children

Shall bring my boats ashore.

-----by aoc powerlevewling

6:49 PM


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