Monday, November 05, 2007


Aaaaaand the X360 has gone kaput. Utterly randomly, too, I might add. It's more saddening than anything, really. I am a huge proponent of the X360 because of how great the library is and how well-done XBL is. But the hardware issues are unbelievable. I think there's maaaaybe one or two people that I know who haven't had to replace their Xboxes (that have had them for over a year). Unbelievable, really. Mine literally just gave out randomly. I was playing Bioshock for about an hour or two, turned it off to eat lunch, then went back to playing when I noticed all the texturing was wrong. Within 5-10 minutes, I got the red-checkered crash, and then games stopped working for longer than 5 minutes a run. I gave it a week rest or so, then my next try at playing resulted in the red ring. Booo-urns.


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