Monday, August 27, 2007

A Close Call - Beer-related

Speaking of beer, I went out for dinner on Friday night with the lady and had a single beer. Just a little something to relax and enjoy my meal with. We took our time eating, went for a little bit of a stroll after dinner (well, more like a walk to Beard Papa's and then a walk to the parking structure) and by the time we got back to the car, what little effect the beer had had on me had worn off. I decided to drive us back to our place (only about 2 miles away) and took the usual route home. We got on the main road and suddenly, we hit traffic. The local police had set up a sobriety checkpoint!

Now, I wasn't worried because 1) I'd only had a single beer about 2 hours prior and 2) I'm no lightweight to begin with (and I felt absolutely lucid). That being said, I *was* worried because I get that goddamn Asian blush thing going the moment my lips touch alcohol. But, as we sat in line, I saw them waving cars through by the handful, so I figured we were going to be on our merry way. No dice. For whatever reason (my usual bad luck, karma, whatnot), we are randomly selected from the group and get pulled off to the side (it wasn't because I was pink or anything because they waved us down from *really* far away). I pull up to the stop sign, the cop greets us, and I offer my driver's license and the biggest smile I can muster, "Good evening, officer." He shines the light in my face and probably sees the pinkness. My heart skips a beat. The fiance has tensed up in a manner not quite unlike Han Solo frozen in carbonite. The cop asks me a series of questions and then makes me follow his finger around with just my eyes. Luckily, he smiles, hands me back my license, then tells me I can go on ahead.

As I pulled away, I get a sudden head rush as my heart finally started beating again. Now, I know drinking and driving is no laughing matter and should be taken very seriously. Had I had *any* doubts about my ability to drive, I would have passed on the keys to my fiance (as I usually do). Nevertheless, a harrowing experience to say the least.


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