Friday, September 21, 2007

Cheese! Glorious Cheese!

As you could probably tell from my previous beer purchases, I've been hitting the local Whole Foods market quite often. There is one right across the street from the train station I take to work, which makes it easy to stop by on my way home and pick up a few veggies, cheeses, and whatnot. The first cheese I've picked up is this:

Coastal English cheddar (from Ford Farm in Dorset, England)! They had a few wedges out on display and the texture and smell just oozed delicious, so I picked up a small wedge. It's a very mature cheddar that has quite a kick to it, but the most notable thing for me was the fact that it had little bits of crunchy goodness in it! I originally thought this was salt (as the cheese is fairly salty), but apparently it is calcium crystals - an alleged unique property of this cheese.

Very crumbly compared to your garden variety chedder, but the taste has much more impact. It was almost a little too "stinky" for the fiance, so I got to enjoy it mostly on my own (and it went perfectly with a glass of bitter or sauvignon blanc). Out of the cheeses that I've bought myself, it's one of the best I can recall (as I've bought some very crappy cheeses before... other people always seemed to have much better luck than me). Highly recommended if you like the cheddar.


Blogger Unknown said...

I didn't know that you're a fellow Caltrainer. I do the exact opposite of your commute, and I've always wondered: how full are the trains going your way? Mine are pretty darn full lately.

1:06 PM

Blogger hapacheese said...

The last 2 weeks or so have gotten really crowded for some reason. Almost didn't get a seat the other day, actually.

1:19 AM


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