Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Time for a Bit of a Change

Having spent a little time away from home and having helped furiously clean my grandparents' house, I have made up my mind to do the same thing at my own home: get rid of all the junk I've collected.

I'm as much of a pack rat as anyone. I keep all the boxes to all my electronics, I've never sold a single videogame back to the store in my life, and I have odd knick knacks that serve absolutely no purpose, other than simple nostalgia value. As far as the videogames go, I always held onto them for library purposes (i.e. just in case I needed them for reviewing or whatever), but there are clearly games in my library that will never serve any purpose other than to collect dust, and possible act as a frisbee in the near future. I figure that with as many games as I have (nearly 200 DC games, and nearly 250 games between PS2/Xbox/GC... I think), there's gotta be at least 50-100 games that I will never *ever* touch again for the rest of my life. If I can get $3-5 for each of those games, that's a sizeable chunk of change. And if anything, there has *got* to be a better way for me to store all my enormous peripherals like the maracas controllers or the Steel Battalion... thing.

And what the hell do I need 4 different sets of plates and bowls for? It's nice to have extras for when company comes over, but that's maybe, what... once every 4-6 months?

That's it. I'm cleaning house. At least if I do, I'll have less stuff to move when the time comes.


Blogger Andre Alforque said...

Wow, congratulations! That's a big decision to be making when not pressured. All of my junk just sits around, really. And even with my upcoming move, I am content to leave things almost as they are because my move is paid for. :(

There are a few websites out there for organizing one's life/ removing some of the clutter. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but Niralth mentions some from time to time (especially around November last year when she was getting ready to move).

Best of luck!

3:51 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Purge, purge! I'm all for it. I'm a huge fan. My favorite links for purging:

Why do you have so much junk?
Stuff doesn't make you happy

5:53 PM

Blogger eingy said...

For some of your games that won't get you back much $$, you can donate them to an orphanage or the Children's Hospital or something to cheer up the kids.

12:53 PM


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