Monday, May 01, 2006

Racism in London

I was surprised to hear from someone that racism in England was likely as bad as the worse parts of America. Being from California, it's relatively tolerant out here, at least in comparison to the rural areas.

But this last weekend, while in London, I encountered a bloke that really, really seemed like he wanted to know what 12 years of karate could do to his person. I was being taken around town by a lovely young Japanese lady (whom I have known for a while), when we boarded the Underground after having dinner. We stopped at one of the stations on our way out, and some drunken chav (is that the correct use of the term?) got on and started singing horrible drinking songs. Something about shooting German planes down, sung to the tune of "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain."

Soon, the lyrics began to change, and next thing I know, he's saying, "I bet you don't have a passport, you Chinese c*nt... No you don't have a passport you Chinese c*nt," etc.

I realized that he was looking straight at my companion, and my blood began to boil. Just as I was about to stand up and show him what we mean by shock and awe in America, she pulled me off the train, and we simply got on the next one. I could see him laughing as the train pulled away...

She then told me that she's used to it, and she's had eggs thrown at her and whatnot. I couldn't believe it. A country that is supposed to be as liberal as England, and there's this much racial animosity? It perplexes the mind.

Non sequitur: According to my hotel's menu, French for "assortment of breads" is "assortiment de pain."


Blogger A_B said...

Shit. That scenario is one of the worst case scenarios that goes through my head _all_the_time.

When I'm out with my wife, I often think that some racist asshole will say something. It doesn't happen in NYC, but elsewhere it crosses my mind.

It's a no win situation. All alternatives are awful. Sit there and take it doing nothing. Walk away and feel like shit. Or say _anything_ and get in a fight.

I want to be the "bigger man" and just walk away and think that the person is just an asshole, but there's the other part of me that wants to pound the dude into the ground.

Or at least that's what I imagine I'd want to do. We haven't had any problems while together (although she has when I'm not around).

3:01 PM

Blogger Seppo said...

Bet that guy wanted an assortiment de pain.

3:02 PM

Blogger eingy said...

I don't recommend this, but I find that once in a while, completely flipping out over and above what the situation seems to call for scares the shit out of people. Like, they expect you to get pissed off, but if you just flip out and start screaming at the top of your lungs about what an asshole they are and how you are gonna break their necks, they get scared because they think you are insane and capable of asylum-worthy violence.

Of course, this can get you killed in the wrong circumstances.


Once in a while, I get into a berzerker rage and do just that sort of thing. But only when I know my situation is relatively safe (lots of people around, possibility to call the authorities, places to run, etc.) but even then, it's not on purpose. Just after a while, the anger builds up so much that it has to come out somewhere.

But it's best to keep it under control.

I think I've done the "sit there and take it doing nothing" for too much of my life (before CA -- cheese is right about it not being that common in CA) for it to really sit well with me.

4:23 PM

Blogger   said...

Jeez, that is terrible. I can imagine you would have wanted to beat the living crap out of that drunk racist bastard. Your companion did the right thing.
   I should not say this, but only 1 out of 10 people who act this crazy will actually follow through with their threats. So Ei-Nyung is right: if you’re unlucky and the circumstances aren’t right, it could get you killed. Personally, I would not have risked it, either. Let the sicko stay on his train. You may have been spared his vomiting on you.
   As you probably have discovered, most Brits are OK but there are some that really drive home how unenlightened people can be.

5:22 PM

Blogger hapacheese said...

ei-nyung's tactic may work well with a lot of people, but you never know what drunks will do. And the drunks in London (apparently) are known for doing stuff like that simply to start a fight.

Just wasn't worth it. And I was wearing my white silk blazer and didn't want barf/blood on it, either ;)

5:29 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, that's just horrible. I can't believe you own a white silk blazer.

6:06 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Seriously though, I can't imagine people acting like that. Racism in the Detroit area, at least from my limited experience (being a caucasian male and all), is something that's very passive aggressive. I've heard people make comments when they think no one who's listening will care, but I've never seen a public display like that. I'd like to think that it just doesn't happen here, because of the relative diversity of the area (significant black and arab populations), but unfortunately I think it's more likely that I just haven't seen it yet. This is the 21st century; what the fuck is wrong with people?

6:14 AM

Blogger hapacheese said...

Aside from the occasional Miami Vice comment, I get a lot of compliments on that jacket!! ;)

9:18 AM

Blogger   said...

With Colin Farrell wearing a different type of jacket in the Miami Vice remake, the comments could well cease soon …

5:23 AM

Blogger A_B said...

I think ei-nyung's crazy person act only works with women as the fake-crazy-person. And even then, it's risky.

The increased likelihood of success is only because a lot of guys don't want to fight with women.

But that increase is marginal given that I've seen drunk guys punch/slap women that got up in their faces.

If a guy does the crazy act, well, if the other dude had the balls/booze to make the racist statement, he's probably not going to run away if you start screaming at him. He'll just sucker punch you in the jaw as you're hollering.

Especially if he's with friends.

4:39 PM

Blogger eingy said...

Yeah, I wasn't really advocating my crazy tactic, just that it has sometimes "worked" when I accidentally behaved that way. Like the berserker rage, I don't know when it will happen. :D I try to curtail it though, as the risks are many.

3:25 PM


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