Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Changes Galore

Apparently, my role at work is being slightly redefined... again. With the changes come a lot more responsibility (read: work), and I was told that the position was "being elevated," which to me, sounds a lot like "we're going to give you more money." Let's see if that is actually the case.

The scary part, though, is the deeper I move into the corporate side of things, the more and more I feel the need to study business/finance. And I *hate* that sort of stuff. But, this is where my career decisions have lead me, and it's not like I didn't know what I was getting myself into, so I have to learn to deal with it. And if I'm being groomed for it, I might as well accept it. Now it's simply time to step up and see if I can play the game.


Blogger Seppo said...

And by "The Game," I presume you mean golf.

11:12 PM

Blogger hapacheese said...

Heh... Not too far from the truth.

Had dinner with the CEO tonight. He told me, "This is your time. You're running the show." Man, talk about pressure.

12:48 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I have no helpful advice to give, only questions.

What did you do when you first started in the industry? Was it in a technical capacity?

9:02 AM

Blogger Seppo said...

"You had your time. The future is our world, (boss). The future is ... our time."

10:21 AM

Blogger eingy said...

If you *hate* the business/finance side of things, why are you moving deeper into it?

"If I'm being groomed for it, I might as well accept it."

I feel weird because I feel like I read a lot of resignation in your tone. Is this something you want? If I'm "being groomed" for, say, a pilot, I have no intentions of accepting it because it's not at all what I want.

I just want to be reassured that it's what you want to do and it's not some sense of being a "lifer" that you are going on this way. I want to know that you are going to enjoy your job and the time sacrifice you'll be making away from your future family is going to be well-worth it, and not that you feel like this is just what's coming down the pipe.

I'm really glad that they think so highly of you and doubly glad that this might mean you may earn more, but as your friend and as someone who has worked with a variety of people, my opinion is that people would love you and greatly respect your work ethics, charisma, and abilities no matter where you are.

12:24 PM

Blogger hapacheese said...

Chad: Was an assistant producer-type position, focusing on bringing Japanese product to the US. No technical stuff whatsoever, although, you tend to pick up the high level stuff through osmosis.

ei-nyung: Well, I think "hate" was a bit too strong of a word. It's more like "me don't understand it." It's not so much resignation as the acceptance that I have to actually do some studying to get any further. I'm enjoying what I'm doing, and my boss is pushing me down an accelerated path, so I more than welcome it. It's just not going to be easy...

And thanks for stroking my ego :D

2:22 PM

Blogger Seppo said...

Jeez, don't get a big head over it.


4:15 PM

Blogger eingy said...


5:03 PM

Blogger hapacheese said...



5:27 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

That type of progression seems natural to me, for an "assistant producer-type position", so good luck! If your previous positions had been technical in nature, I'd have told you to maybe reconsider. If you're a techie, moving to a manager role is usually kind of a one-way deal. It seems to me that it's very difficult to get back into the technical nitty-gritty once you've become an evil manager.

6:35 AM


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