From Seppo and eingy...
RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
10) Nothing stresses me out more than thinking/knowing that there is friction between me and someone else. I don't actively think that I need everyone to love me, but I like things being in harmony (perhaps because of having such turbulence in my life in my younger years?). Knowing that I've pissed someone off or have caused someone to think ill of me leaves me all out of whack.
9) I talk to myself in the car. But not really myself... I have conversations with people I know, but just by myself. I think maybe it's how I sort out issues in my head; sort of like using other people's personalities as a soundboard to bounce ideas and thoughts off of. Sort of like how in Star Trek, they conjure up Einstein in the Holodeck, only not nearly as cool.
8) I'm a horrible public speaker when I'm speaking as myself. Give me a character to act as, and all the fear and anxiety goes away. I think it gives me a mask to hide behind, but when it comes to presenting data and whatnot, I can get the job done, but I don't really know how to make it interesting. Considering my current position, that's probably a bad thing :P
7) There are quite a few really minor, inconsequential things that I have said and done that I remember, and for some reason, they bother me. Like one time in 7th grade, a friend of mine was claiming that he could only cut his toenails after taking a shower because they were too hard otherwise, and I said, "Me, too." That was, of course, not true, but I just felt like agreeing with him. And for no goddamn reason, it still bothers me to this day that I said that. I have issues :D
6) My personality changes fairly drastically, depending on who I am talking to/hanging out with. Well, that's not 100% accurate - the parts of my personality that show greatly depend on who I'm with at that moment. I'm very sensitive to other people's personalities, so depending on how they act and/or what they expect of me, I become more aggressive/passive, extroverted/introverted, etc. Around family and some work people, I'm the happy-go-lucky clown. Around some friends, I'm the snarky, cocky guy. Around others, I become really shy.
5) Speaking of which - I think most people know me as an all-out extrovert. However, what a lot of people don't know is that I actually lack confidence. It's fairly masked because of my usually-over-the-top personality, but I often doubt myself to a fault. Which also affects my ability to be assertive at work when I need to be.
4) I'm selectively OCD. Once I notice something, it bothers me until I fix it. For example, a pillow that's not arranged right, a stack of papers that isn't lined up properly. But, it's not always "on." Like my desk at work - utter chaos. Most of my house is fairly messy. It's just some things that I happen to notice. I've never been able to figure out what triggers it.
3) My armpits caused my brother's girlfriend back in high school to have a pregnancy scare. Seriously. She stopped by the dojo one Saturday morning to say hi, and she started being "saucy" (she was my classmate, and we were friends before she started dating my brother, so we were close). Being all sweaty and smelly, I decided to get her in a headlock and sweat on her... I guess the hormones/pheromones/whatever in my armpit sweat caused her hormones to go all out of whack, and she missed a period. They ended up telling her parents and my parents and got a pregnancy test and everything... and the doctor started asking questions, and it got narrowed down to the most likely culprit being my armpit sweat. Recognize.
2) I hate creepy-crawlies. It's not like I can't look at them or that I cringe if I see a picture of a spider, for example... I just hate touching them. Maybe it comes from the fact that my dad used to have a pet tarantula that he used to try to get me to hold when I was like 2 or 3 years old. Thing was bigger than my hand (I don't really remember, but we have plenty of pictures). So, when I have to get rid of a big spider in the house, I get a tissue and kill it/grab it as quickly as possible. Caterpillars, ladybugs, etc don't bother me. It's primarily spiders or anything similar.
1) I have a scent fetish. Nothing gets to me more than the way a girl smells. I used to sit next to this girl I had a huge crush on back in school, and she smelled *wonderful*. Except, it was always a dilemma: do I take in the scent full on, knowing that I'd grow acclimated to it more quickly? Or do I only try to smell it a little at a time? Oh my god, I'm a pervert. :D